Schools Big Band Concert
Sunday 20th Nov 2022
Venue: Storey's Field Centre
Tickets: £5 / FREE (under 25s) + booking fee
Time: 12:30 - 1:30pm
(the concert start time has been changed to 12:30pm)
Age recommendation:
Under-14s should be accompanied by an adult.
As part of the Cambridge Jazz Festival’s commitment to supporting and promoting jazz in schools, three local school jazz orchestras will be taking the stage to showcase their considerable talents.
This fresh and sparky, collaborative event is a chance for young musicians to kick off an exciting day of jazz at the Storey's Field Centre, with arrangements of everything from standards to funk and ragtime to swing.
Come and support musicians of the future as they make their mark on a day dedicated to the big band sound.
All money raised goes towards sponsoring CJF jazz workshops for young musicians. This year the schools big band workshop will be led by Martin Hathaway.